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BIBLE VERSIONS / Bible BBE / The Old Testament / Jonah

Bible BBE - Bible in Basic English

Obadiah Jonah Micah

Chapter 1 2 3 4

1 Then Jonah made prayer to the Lord his God from the inside of the fish, and said,

2 In my trouble I was crying to the Lord, and he gave me an answer; out of the deepest underworld I sent up a cry, and you gave ear to my voice.

3 For you have put me down into the deep, into the heart of the sea; and the river was round about me; all your waves and your rolling waters went over me.

4 And I said, I have been sent away from before your eyes; how may I ever again see your holy Temple?

5 The waters were circling round me, even to the neck; the deep was about me; the sea-grass was twisted round my head.

6 I went down to the bases of the mountains; as for the earth, her walls were about me for ever: but you have taken up my life from the underworld, O Lord my God.

7 When my soul in me was overcome, I kept the memory of the Lord: and my prayer came in to you, into your holy Temple.

8 The worshippers of false gods have given up their only hope.

9 But I will make an offering to you with the voice of praise; I will give effect to my oaths. Salvation is the Lord’s.

10 And at the Lord’s order, the fish sent Jonah out of its mouth on to the dry land.

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