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BIBLE VERSIONS / Bible BBE / The Old Testament / Song of Songs

Bible BBE - Bible in Basic English

Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Isaiah

Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 How beautiful are your feet in their shoes, O king’s daughter! The curves of your legs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a good workman:

2 Your stomach is a store of grain with lilies round it, and in the middle a round cup full of wine.

3 Your two breasts are like two young roes of the same birth.

4 Your neck is as a tower of ivory; your eyes like the waters in Heshbon, by the doorway of Bath-rabbim; your nose is as the tower on Lebanon looking over Damascus:

5 Your head is like Carmel, and the hair of your head is like purple, in whose net the king is prisoner.

6 How beautiful and how sweet you are, O love, for delight.

7 You are tall like a palm-tree, and your breasts are like the fruit of the vine.

8 I said, Let me go up the palm-tree, and let me take its branches in my hands: your breasts will be as the fruit of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples;

9 And the roof of your mouth like good wine flowing down smoothly for my loved one, moving gently over my lips and my teeth.

10 I am for my loved one, and his desire is for me.

11 Come, my loved one, let us go out into the field; let us take rest among the cypress-trees.

12 Let us go out early to the vine-gardens; let us see if the vine is in bud, if it has put out its young fruit, and the pomegranate is in flower. There I will give you my love.

13 The mandrakes give out a sweet smell, and at our doors are all sorts of good fruits, new and old, which I have kept for my loved one.

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